Social Media Presentation to Lions’ Club of Oakville

I was happy to present to the Lions’ Club of Oakville last week, thanks to an introduction through a discussion on Silicon Halton’s LinkedIn Group. Here is the presentation:

Get Your Life On Presentation: Social Media 101

Here is the presentation I gave to a group at Get Your Life On – October 4. This talk was the first in their Speaker Series and generated a great discussion. If you have questions, ping me!

FITC Screens

FITC is hosting a free sneak peek of their upcoming mobile development conference, SCREENS on September 13, 2012 from 7:00-9:30pm. Don’t miss your chance to win one of a limited number of tickets to an intimate evening event which features four awesome speakers who will be talking about mobile development, beer, pizza and use of the giant slide at event sponsor Grip Limited’s office . SCREENS speakers presenting at this exclusive event include Faisal Abid, James Halpern, Adam Hunter and Sachin Monga.

To enter for your chance to win, it’s two simple steps:

1. Make sure you follow @FITC on Twitter

2. Tweet the following message:

Hey @FITC I want to go to the exclusive #SCREENS12 Sneak Peek! #FITCsneakpeek

Entries will be accepted until midnight on August 31, 2012. You do NOT need to be registered for SCREENS to qualify, but you must follow @FITC on Twitter. The randomly selected winners will be notified via Twitter DM by September 5, 2012.

Good luck!

#FF Julia Merlini

Julia and I have known each other for about 10 years. She’s quite a bit younger than I am, but we get along great. A few months ago, she mentioned something about getting onto Twitter and how she wasn’t sure how it worked. I gave her a few pointers, but the biggest one: Jump In.

She attended a few events that I dragged her to and when the time came for her to attend her own through Twitter, she wasn’t sure that she should go. I urged her to attend and she hasn’t stopped since.

You will usually find her sharing some fashion Instagram photos of her funky boots (she has quite the collection), or some beach photo. She does a great job of it and has even helped me out on a fashion dilemma or two. I wasn’t sure if I was going to go to the party ending of a conference and she was the one who said: “You’ve been at all the seminars, why shouldn’t you go to the party?”. I knew there was a reason I kept her around. 😉

She’s heading off to San Francisco this fall for a new adventure in her life, so you guys better keep an eye on this dynamo. Look after my #grasshopper, Jules Merlini.

Julia aka. Jules in Fleurs

Julia aka. Jules in Fleurs


Product Camp 2012

Once again, had a great day at Product Camp! This was my third one since I graduated in 2009 and it gets better every year. This year I even got to present! Someone asked a question about social media and I offered to run the session. Of course I enjoyed it, but I hope that everyone that attended learned something from it. Here is a copy of my slides from Social Media Channels:

If there is anything else you’d like to see in them, please let me know.

INSANE Graphic Shows How Ludicrously Complicated Social Media Marketing Is Now – Business Insider

INSANE Graphic Shows How Ludicrously Complicated Social Media Marketing Is Now – Business Insider.

INSANE Graphic Shows How Ludicrously Complicated Social Media Marketing Is Now - Business Insider

#FF Michael Canton

One person that I have overlooked in my previous Follow Friday editions has been an amazing supporter of mine, is Michael Canton. I intend to rectify this today.

Michael and I met at Startup Drinks Hamilton back in the winter, either just before or just after I’d moved to Hamilton. I admit, I didn’t know much about video, nor did I really delve into it much with everything else on the go. At least I knew there was someone out there that I could turn to if I needed advice on it. I was starting my own consulting business and I know that this was not a piece of the social media that I was going to start to learn about at this stage of my game. He launched TechTalk4HamOnt and interviewed me during their first taping at DemoCamp Hamilton in February. I went for a job interview and they said that they even found a video of me giving an interview (it would have to be this one) when they did a Google search on me. They now could tell that I was able to present to people in front of a camera which was to my benefit. Needless to say, I know I need to improve on my video visibility and will be doing so in future.

Michael has always offered some neat little tidbits of information or leads about other people that I should connect with. He has amazing ideas and a wonderful eye for video. He has been a very strong supporter of my Women In Technology Hamilton initiative and has videotaped everything without charging a penny. He believes in it and that it is a great thing for this city. That’s enough for him. For those clients that I have that want to start doing video spots, podcasting, livestreaming and the like, I’ve given them Michael’s name first… always.

If you don’t already, make sure that you follow Michael Canton on Twitter and check out his many videos. Thank you Michael.

Michael Canton of Valley Town Media

Michael Canton of Valley Town Media

#FF Joey Coleman

I remember saying on more than one occasion that I’d love to hang out with Jonathan Goldsbie. Well I think I’ve found his Hamilton counterpart. Meet Joey Coleman.

In addition to being a journalist, Joey can be found at Thinkhaus or at Startup Drinks with Open Hamilton. Be preparted for a long and entertaining evening when he shows up, because he tells great stories. He’s always been a fountain of knowledge when it comes to local politics and history. I started following him on Twitter from the #HamOnt hashtag while learning about my new home. I then met him at Startup Drinks a few days later where I got a crash course in local municipal politics.

I really enjoyed attending Random Hacks of Kindness here in Hamilton to help the local installment of this international intiative. Joey has really enlightened me in the ways of open data and though I’m still learning, I’ve been a quick study.

Thanks Joey for putting up with me and enduring my never-ending questions. You can read his blog for stories including those from Hamilton City Hall or CBC Hamilton (which is always fun) and follow him on Twitter…NOW!

PS. I just found out last night that he and Roger Gillespie of the CBC are going to be on the dunk tank at Upper Gage Garage this afternoon to raise money for HARRRP. Roger’s on at 1 pm, followed by Joey at 1:20 pm. I wouldn’t miss this for the world!

Joey Coleman from his Facebook Page

#FF Jim Rudnick

I can’t remember exactly when I met Jim Rudnick, but I’m sure it was at Democamp, Startup Drinks or an event at the McMaster Innovation Park. Anyone who knows Jim will agree that this guy is everywhere in the Hamilton, Ontario region.

When I refer to the differences between Toronto and Hamilton, I say that people in both places are very supportive. The big difference is that people in Hamilton have the time to actually help. That’s not to say that Toronto people don’t want to help and not everyone is like that. Life in Toronto is just so full that most just don’t have the capacity. But I digress…

Jim has always given his time to advise me, whether it be on my consulting business or reaching out to his network to ask for support with my WITH Initiative. Best of all, he gets results! Thanks to his personal touch, I raised more than half of the money I needed to launch.

Jim is a mentor through the Innovation Factory and is helping so many entrepreneurs I’ve lost count. He keeps his ears to the ground on many of the goings-on and has even put my name forward for a few positions.

If you don’t know Jim, you can most likely find him at any tech event in Hamilton and of course, you can follow him on Twitter here. Thank you Jim.

Jim Rudnick of Canuck SEO and KKT Interactive

Jim Rudnick of Canuck SEO and KKT Interactive

#FF David Hills

I met David Hills at my first Hamilton Business Networking and Entrepreneurs Group event back in November, 2011. This was only a few days after the decision to move to Hamilton happened. I then saw him about a week later at a Bronzie’s Tweetup that I was attending through a friend of mine, Justin Baisden. We hit it off pretty well and we started seeing each other at similar events over the next few months.

One of my favsHe called me about a new meetup in January that I didn’t know about. A week later, he saw that I was attending another event that turned out to be one of his best sales nights. When I did my Social Media 101 presentation at Hamilton Business Networking and Entrepreneurs Group, I was able to rent his pico projector to present to a room full of potential clients. Most of my client base now comes through this group. If you haven’t seen this wonderful invention, you can see it here. It is the coolest thing and I know you will be amazed.

He has always been a great source for local connections and influencers that I haven’t yet met. If I ever need a sounding board for something local, he’s the first person I call. We now co-ordinate many of our events and check in with each other at least once week. We sometimes attend the same functions two or three times a week. I joke that his wife must get jealous of all the times we see each other. It is now a rare occurrence that people will see us at an event in our area without the other, much like a comedy team.

David has always been very kind to me and extremely supportive, including referring clients to me and singing my praises. I only hope I can live up to all of his kind words. Make sure you ask him about the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, especially for their upcoming Air Show and give him a big Follow Friday. You can find David on Twitter here. Thank you David.