Daily Prompt: Five a Day

Daily Prompt: Five a Day.



Five Foods:

  1. Sushi (specifically, dynamite rolls and spicy salmon rolls)
  2. Chocolate
  3. Steak and mashed potatoes
  4. Cantonese Chow Mein
  5. French Toast

What’s your Five a day?

Weekly Photo Challenge: Abundance

Weekly Photo Challenge: Abundance.

While on exchange in Paris, we visited Versailles and the lunches that were packed for us were huge! This was the result.

An abundance of food at Versailles, France

An abundance of food at Versailles, France

Weekly Photo Challenge: Breakfast

Weekly Photo Challenge: Breakfast.

I actually just deleted this photo the other day because I didn’t think I’d have a use for it. I take it back.


My brunch one morning in Kensington Market, Toronto

Name a food you used to like – what changed?


Soft-boiled eggs

Soft-boiled eggs

Name a food you used to like – what changed?.

Funny I was talking to someone about this just the other day. Soft boiled eggs. I used to love these, especially when I went to my grandmother’s house. But in my early 20’s, I found that every time I had them, I became ill. It didn’t happen (and still doesn’t) with fully cooked eggs, such as scrambled, but if the eggs are only partially cooked, I can’t eat them. This included poached or fried egg if the yolk was left soft. I used to adore eggs benedict, but now, can no longer have them, or my soft boiled eggs. And before you ask, yes, I’ve looked into whether or not it’s an allergy and it isn’t. I still have to get my flu shot every year, but that’s another story…

Tweetup at St. Louis Wings – 528 Yonge Street, Toronto

I received an invitation from Jo about Wednesday of last week. I’ve had the pleasure of attending another of Jo’s events, #MexiTO and he’s raised the bar yet again.

On Saturday I was fortunate enough to be one of about 150 people to attend the Tweetup at the 528 Yonge Street location of St. Louis (#528YongeStLouis – smart huh?)

Coors Light almost gone with Jennie next to me.

Coors Light almost gone with Jennie next to me.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was not just our wings or main course that was covered, it was everything! Under their permit, they were able to give us one alcoholic beverage, as many non-alcoholic drinks as we wanted, an appetizer, our main course AND dessert!

I ordered a Coors Light since I’m not a big beer drinker, but figured one must have beer with wings. Before the wings even arrived, I was almost done, but not because of lack of service! I wanted to pace myself and it was going down way too nicely!

I started the meal with the garlic bread and had to stop for fear of not being able to finish my dinner, but it is amazing! Shared it with some other peeps at the table, since that’s what an appetizer was for. I didn’t get a pic of it, but trust me, it’s worthwhile.

Sweet Asian Wings and Caesar Salad

Sweet Asian Wings and Caesar Salad

Then came the main course. Thanks to Jennie (@gwenstyles)for her ordering a caesar salad and giving me the idea. It was very refreshing along with my Sweet Asian Wings. I have to admit my shame in not being able to finish them all. For the record, I couldn’t wait for lunch to arrive the next day so I could have the leftovers. What? You thought I’d let them go to waste? Hell no!

The Lindt Chocolate Ice Cream Cake x4

The Lindt Chocolate Ice Cream Cake x4

There were a couple of us that had a similar dilemma. We wanted to make sure that we could have dessert. And boy did we! At the recommendation of one of the guys from the previous sitting, William (@william_penman) we all ordered the Lindt Chocolate Ice Cream Cake. I didn’t care how sick I was going to be, I was going to finish it!!! And boy was it worth it. I still think this photo should be the one to win for the best photo that day.

Since I couldn’t have everything, I know that some of the other comments that I heard were about the fried pickles, the fries and the sweet potato fries as well as the ribs. Not a complaint amongst them.

Besides all the great food, was the chance to meet up with old friends and meet some new ones. Some of my “tablemates” in addition to the above were: Bruce (@BBICON), JP (@JayPIsHere) and the infamous Jon (@JonGautier) . Afterwards, some of us even went out and hit a couple of other places. This was twitter at its best!

One of the comments I made during the dinner was “What’s better than great wings? Answer: Great FREE wings.”  At the end of the meal, we got a gift certificate for ANOTHER main course! So, what’s better than great free wings? Answer: MORE great free wings!

Better reserve a spot for me at every event Jo, because I’ll be there! We’ve even given him his next project: #SushiTO Stay tuned and make sure you follow both @StLouisWings and Jo (@ClickFlickCa). Congratulations on a great event and best wishes on your grand opening today! Ok, time to stop writing. I’m getting hungry again…;)